Sunday, September 21, 2008

Relationships - like a pair of ill fitting shoes?

Lately, I bought a lot of shoes... I don't know what contributed to my sudden liking for shoes... Perhaps I was under the influence of Sex and the City... where Carrie Bradshaw owns like every branded shoes in New York city. ahahaha

I have always thought shoes should be:
1) lasting (I hate the hassle of having to always shop for shoes),
2) comfortable to wear (as I used to do a lot of walking) and
3) pleasant to the eyes. (I am not a fashion slave, so anything that's not ugly would be good for me.)

Hmm... doesn't the above makes you think of criterias when looking for a partner?
1) lasting relationship
2) comfortable to be with and
3) pleasant to the eyes. (beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder, right?)

Come to think of it, shoes are the perfect analogy for a partner...

Some shoes are beautiful to look at, but they are more often than not, very uncomfortable to wear. Yet, people choose to wear them, hoping that their feet will either get used to it or the shoes will get bigger with more wears. Very much like hoping for a partner to change or hoping that we would one day get used to our partner bad habits. Wishful thinking.. You'd probably end up with sore feet and bad blood circulation with ill-fitting shoes, much like in a relationship, where both end up hating each other for their bad behaviours.

Some people buy shoes because they just want to horde. Maybe it was the last pair, or maybe someone else was eyeing for the same pair of shoes or maybe it was a bargain you couldn't resist. This kind of purchase usually ends up in regret, as the size might not fit (last pair with odd size) or we find that we didn't really like the shoes in the first place. Analogous to some people getting a partner due to peer pressure, or simply because the guy/girl was a "hot item" where everyone else seems to be interested in.

And if the shoes doesn't fit, it's pretty simple to just kick them off and buy a new one. Nowadays, we can pretty much say the same about relationships whereby some people take the easy way out to find a new partner when they find that they no longer fit into each other's life.

Having said this, I don't deny that there are plenty of good looking, comfortable and lasting shoes out there.... We just have to find them. And when you do find them, take good care of them, as they can accompany you on a long lasting and comfortable journey.

So much philosophy in just a pair shoes .. ahhaha... Maybe I think too much...

Good luck in finding your perfect fit...


Anonymous said...

Does it mean that everytime you change shoes, you can change partner? Coz shoe will last you a short period of time and it will not last forver, unless the show is frame it up, it would last you forever. Then again, a framed shoe does not serves any purpose, does it?

Anonymous said...

Of course, for some, it would be great to be able to change partners as often as you change shoes... But I am sure there are those who find it painful to let go of a pair of perfect-fit shoes when the time is up...

Btw, there are those bronzing services which allow you coat your prized shoes with bronze so that you can keep it forever! Purpose? Hmmm...Serves well as a trophy, dont you think? *wink*

Anonymous said...

Throphy wife does not serves any purpose to a family only to the public eyes. It will eat up your financial well being as they need to keep themselves pretty all the time. Maybe when the time comes, it has to be replaced as all old shoes can't last forever. Frame it up, it may give you an ugly sight as when it is old, it is ugly. *wink*

Anonymous said...

Trophy wives dont keep themselves pretty for the public eyes only.. it's for themselves (self-satisfaction) and their spouses too. I am sure you want to wake up beside someone pretty in the morning... :)

And those pretty shoes gets more wear than the other shoes...

Oh, from my observation, shoes that gets more wear lasts longer, i.e. they stay in shape and serves its purpose longer... as oppose to shoes that stays in the closet or framed up all the time. :P

Anonymous said...

Kelly, what happen you’ve chosen a pair of shoes which is not very eye catching but it was so comfortable when you were trying in the shop.

So end up you bought it becoz of comfy and you think although it’s not eye catching, it’s so comfortable to wear.

After buying, you couldn’t wait to put it on, and just within 2 -3 days, you realize the shoes is not as comfort as you think, so what will you do ?

Keep the shoes in store room “FOREVER” ? or give to someone who dun mind to wear it ? or just put into your “recycle BIN” ?

Kelly Rivers said...

As I said, This kind of purchase usually ends up in regret,….

But your idea of the 3 options is very funny…

1) Put in storeroom
2) Give away
3) Recycle bin

I think I have given away a pair of shoes which is size 8 - dunno what made me buy in the first place... End up never wear coz not ngam – too big… Mom helped me put into those Donation bin… So does that count as Opt 2.Give Away or Opt 3.Recycle ah?

(special note: Sunfire ask me to give to 5kor wor… hahaha)

Anonymous said...

Kelly, mc actually comparing buying shoes with boy/girl relationship....

Option 1 is to accept her, but there is no more spark & flame

Option 2 is to introduce her to your friends, since u 2 are not compatible.

Option 3 is to just dump her.

I would choose option 2....

Kelly Rivers said...

Have you ever done that in real life?

Or seen any "friends" doing it… ? *wink*

Anonymous said...

No, But I need to clarify with mc "after wearing" means what ?

If just starting to pak tho and found that she is not your type, and if your friend find her suitable, why not ?

PS: All my answers are base on common senses, there is no real life experience