Monday, November 02, 2009

Delayed Reaction

OMG... Woke up with muscle ache all over my arms and legs - a delayed reaction from the fatigue caused by over-exhaustion of my body on Friday. I feel wobbly on my arms and legs and don't feel like waking up...

This is a sign....

That I haven't been exercising for a long time!!!

(Haven't gone clubbing like in years and sudddenly dance/move for 5 hours... hahaha)

I know I know... I can almost hear you saying under your breath,"It's a sign of getting old la...."

Well, as I always say... we're only as old as we think we are... party on people... p-p-p party everyday... while we're still alive...(body ache shows that we're still alive.. :P)

Just something positive to chase away the Monday blues... well, me better go get ready for work...


Anonymous said...

Sign of you getting old is inevitable. So, kindly do not kid yourself anymore. Please stay at home and look after the kid...

Kelly Rivers said...

Mind over matter.... mind over matter..:)

We're only as old as we think we are.. ;)

And kid is very well looked after.. :)