Saturday, July 22, 2006

Bryan's first day at Kindergarten - 07 Jan 2006

Something very funny happened in school (CEC USJ9) today.

Bryanline_up Again it’s Bryan’s first day of school today. He’s quite alright… maybe because Papa was there. We just dropped him into his class and then went outside. Brandon went off to work while I sat outside. Lots of parents were busy looking through the glass window to see how their children mingle with other kids. (much like the zoo really….) Some were busy taking photos. In fact most of the parents brought their cameras.

Bryan_slide Then it was time to play outside the class. They lined up and went to the playground. Some of the girls screamed when they went down the slides and guess what our “King Kong Fanatic” Bryan did. He shouted, “Scream Ann, Scream for your Life!” ahahahahah He picked that up from the King Kong trailer. Then he went up to the Slide Tower , put his head out and shouted…“Miss Darrow, Miss Darrow”….. Also a scene from King Kong… hahahaha so funny…. I think I caught that on my camera but it's too bad I cant publish videos here. Bryan is such a funny little thing to watch. Never fail to bring a smile on my face.

Bryanlibrary He took the first day of school much at his own stride. Some of the kids cried (from the start of school at 8:30 to end at 10:30) but not Bryan. He was just steady and minded his own business. Brandon came back to the kindergarten from work at around 10. We watched him secretly from a darken window at the side of the class. Most parents didn’t know of that spot so we had a clear view. I know coz I been there before. The best part was, when it was time to go home, I told Brandon “Look at our Bryan, he will surely forget to take his water.” (coz he left his water on the table and did not put it back in his bag.) But much to our surprise, he grabbed his water and chucked it clumsily into his bag. But he left his bag open, and again I am skeptical and told Brandon. “Oh no, he surely wont know how to close his bag.” And just as I finished my sentence, he put his bag on the table and zipped it up. It was such a magical moment as we realize that Bryan is finally getting independent and can be on his own without us.


Pretty good for the first day of school.

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